Add the Bitnami Repository

In the last slide, we saw that NGINX offers many different products via the default Helm Chart repository, but the NGINX standalone web server is not one of them.

After a quick web search, we discover that there is a Chart for the NGINX standalone web server available via the Bitnami Chart repository.

To add the Bitnami Chart repo to our local list of searchable charts:

helm repo add bitnami

Once that completes, we can search all Bitnami Charts:

helm search bitnami

Which results in:

NAME                                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION             DESCRIPTION                                                 
bitnami/bitnami-common                  0.0.3           0.0.1                   Chart with...        
bitnami/apache                          2.1.2           2.4.37                  Chart for Apache...                              
bitnami/cassandra                       0.1.0           3.11.3                  Apache Cassandra...

Search once again for NGINX:

helm search nginx

Now we are seeing more NGINX options, across both repositories:

NAME                                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                                                 
bitnami/nginx                           1.1.2           1.14.1          Chart for the nginx server                                  
bitnami/nginx-ingress-controller        2.1.4           0.20.0          Chart for the nginx Ingress...                    
stable/nginx-ingress                    0.31.0          0.20.0          An nginx Ingress controller ...

Or even search the Bitnami repo, just for NGINX:

helm search bitnami/nginx

Which narrows it down to NGINX on Bitnami:

NAME                                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                           
bitnami/nginx                           1.1.2           1.14.1          Chart for the nginx server            
bitnami/nginx-ingress-controller        2.1.4           0.20.0          Chart for the nginx Ingress...

In both of those last two searches, we see


as a search result. That’s the one we’re looking for, so let’s use Helm to install it to the EKS cluster.